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2020-06-16 13:38:56

Special Features功能特点

风冷式冷热一体温度控制机,本公司根据制药反应釜控温等化工业新近推出ACH型冰热两用机,在高低温、高精度控温领域有着广泛的用途。采用欧美进口压缩机头,铜管采用无氧焊接法。RS485通讯功能,实现自动化管理(选购),加热功率切换功能,304不锈钢一体管路,减少管阻及锈垢,采用进口高级组件,使用年限长, 电器采用施耐德、欧姆龙、佳乐等进口材料。控制方式采用进口微电脑或PLC控制(选购)。安全保护完善, 故障显示,维修保养无需专业人员,高效率之蒸发器及冷凝器,可节省能源30%以上。HL-20ACH以上采用两组压缩机头,可单独或共同使用,温度控制范围:出水温度+3-80℃.

Hot and cold Temperature Contoler,the company recenty launched ACHtype dualpurpose machine ice hot reactor temperature,etc. according to he phamaceudical and chemical industres.in high and low temperature, highprecision temperature control fold has a wide range of uses. Europe and America imported compreor head, brass welding method using anaerobic.RS485 communlication funcionfor automated management (optional),heatingpower switching funcio, 304 stainles steelnerated pipeines fo less pipe resistance and rust the use of impored components,life islong, Schneider Electic, Omron Squeak and other imported materals.Imported mlcrocomputer controlorPLCcontrol(optional,Perfectsafely potcton faut dspay,wihoutpofessonal maintenance, highefciencyevaporator and condenser,can save more nans0 energy. HL-20ACH head above uses two compressors can be used separatelyorjointy,the temperaturecontrol ange water temperature+3-80℃.



